The risks for China are greater in moving too slowly than in moving too quickly toward transparent, liquid, stable capital markets, said Mr Paulson, on the last leg of a three-country trip to Asia. 保尔森表示:在中国建设透明、流动性强且稳定的资本市场过程中,步伐太慢的风险,要大于步伐太快的风险。中国是保尔森亚洲三国之行的最后一站。
As a result, it can credibly fulfil its promise to households to supply highly liquid claims with little price or capital value risk. 当然也就能够保证他们对个体储户的承诺:提供低额低资本风险的高流动资金债权。
Introducing more liquid capital markets will increase flexibility, make prices more responsive to structural changes and facilitate a rational distribution of resources. 引入流动性更强的资本市场将提高灵活性,让价格更充分地反映结构性变化,并为资源的合理配置提供方便。
The amount of payable tax calculated in accordance with the stipulations of China's Tax Laws on the income earned from wages and salaries: required liquid capital deficit 工资、薪金所得按我国税法规定计算的应纳税额:规定速动资金短欠数额
How much liquid capital do you have to invest? 您有多少流动资金可以用于投资?
Other things being equal, the more liquid a market, the lower the cost of capital. 这句话的意思应该是:如果其他条件相同,那么市场的流动性越高,资本的成本越低。
Is equal to mu A in the liquid phase, P where the pressure on the liquid is capital P. 等于A处于液态的化学势,而这里液态的压强是。
It has forcedbanks to hold more equity and liquid capital. 美联储迫使银行持有更多的股权和流动资本。
Finally the paper illustrates that utilization of LNG cold by air separation units can result in more liquid capacity and less expenditure on capital and operation. 最后指出,空分装置利用LNG冷量可达到多产液体、节省投资和运行费用的效果。
This is not a reference merely to liquid wealth, but also to the "human capital" of knowledge and expertise gained while working abroad. 这不仅仅指流动性财富,也指以在海外工作过程中所获得的知识和专业技能形式现的“人力资本”。对于遭受人才流失影响的国家而言,这种人力资本是一种重要资源。
Liberalisation and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital markets, and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment. 自由化和废除旧制有助于培养广阔,深入和流动的资本市场,为吸引国外机构和对内投资创造有利环境。
Required liquid capital deficit schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund 规定速动资金短欠数额流动资金周转率计算表
Required liquid capital deficit planned statement of standardized current capital 定额流动资金计划表
In a well-functioning market these various strategies interact, ensuring that markets are reasonably liquid, reasonably consistent, and reasonably able to allocate capital efficiently. 在一个运转良好的市场中,这些不同的策略相互作用,确保市场具备适度的流动性、连贯性和有效配置资本的能力。
The appeal of the dollar is that it is supported by the most liquid capital markets in the world. 美元的诱惑力在于它是由世界最具流动性的资本市场支持着。
Liquid assets that pay good dividends and have capital gain potential, such as index funds weighted toward companies that are financially strong, are especially lovely. 那些可以产生可观红利,有升值潜力,例如财务情况良好公司的指数基金,的流动资产尤当去关注。
But the underlying reason for the day one jump is more fundamental the huge liquid funds which are largely trapped inside China by capital controls, and a shortage of other investment opportunities. 但该股上市首日大幅上涨的根本原因,更多地来自基本面因素由于资本控制,中国巨额的流动资金无法流向国外,而且国内缺乏其他投资渠道。
The liquid and bones were in a sealed bronze cooking vessel dug up near the ancient capital of Xian-home to the country's famed terracotta warriors. 这些液体和骨渣装在密封的青铜炊具里,这些炊具是在古都西安&中国著名的兵马俑的故乡挖出的。
The country, for long the undisputed largest and most liquid capital market in Asia, faces a long-term threat from China and its maturing exchanges. 长期被视为亚洲无可争议的最大、且流动性最好的日本资本市场,面临着中国及其日趋成熟的交易所的长期威胁。
The LCR requires banks to hold liquid assets at least equal to the amount of capital clients might be expected to withdraw over a 30-day period in a crisis. LCR条款要求银行持有一定数额的流动性资产,这些资产至少要等于危机时期30天内银行客户可能提取的资金数额。
The same uncertainty gave savers a reason to hoard their wealth in liquid assets, like money, rather than committing it to new capital projects. 同样,不确定性使存款者以流动资产的形式储存自己的财富,比如金钱,而非将其投入新的投资项目。
The title is a kind of organizational make-up for the running of capital and entitlement for attaining the goal of enterprises through operating, arranging and handling fixed capital, liquid capital and intangible capital which are dominated by enterprises. 产权是市场经济条件下资本运营的组织形式,是企业经营、支配、处置被控制的固定资本、流动资本、无形资本,达到企业目标的权利。
Based on the capital construction cost of pipeline, power cost of liquid transfer and the capital construction cost of pump stations, the article sets up the economic flow velocity model of pipeline fluid. 本文以管道基建费用,液体输送电费和泵站基建费用来建立管道液流的经济流速模型。
The final model indicates that the PD of manufacturing firms is significantly relative to the 4 measures: return on equity, liquid ratio, the log of the total assets, working capital to total assets. 最后的回归模型表明,制造业企业的违约率与以下4个变量密切相关:净资产利润率、速动比率、总资产对数值、营运资金比率。
Generally, high gas velocity can largely improve desulfurizing rate and decrease the liquid/ gas ratio simultaneously, so high velocity system can greatly decrease the capital and operational cost and is fit to be applied and spreaded in China. 总的来看,采用高气速强化脱硫方式可以在较小的液气比下达到高的脱硫率,大大降低了系统的投资和运行费用,适合在中国应用和推广。
The concept of investment climates is appeared after the increasing of liquid of international capital. 投资环境这一概念是第二次世界大战后随着国际资本流动的剧增而出现的,实际上对投资环境的理论研究可以追溯到古典经济理论出现的时期。
The realizing of catastrophe risk securitization, makes the insurance company get a lot of money from the capital market, and transfer the risk from the insurance market to a more liquid capital market, it can enhance the capacity of insurance industry. 巨灾风险证券化的实现,使保险公司既能够从资本市场上获取大量资金,又将保险市场上的风险转移到了更具有流动性的资本市场,能够有效地提升保险业的承保能力。
Working capital which is essential to the continued production and management, is the most liquid capital and exists in the whole process of the production and operation activities of enterprises. That is why it is known as the blood of the production and operation activities of enterprises. 营运资本是企业流动性最强的资金,贯穿于企业整个生产经营活动,是企业进行持续生产经营活动必不可少的资金,被誉为企业生产经营活动的血液。
Evidence shows that the risk of dynamic risk budgeting can improve the return on capital employed within the framework of tolerance, the release of more liquid assets, lower net capital rules and capital adequacy pressures. 实证表明动态风险预算能在风险可承受范围内提高资本收益率,释放更多的流动性资产,降低净资本规则与资本充足性的压力。
The massive WIP in the production line of A company, not only ties up huge amount of liquid capital, but also wastes large space the workshop. A公司在生产过程中存在大量的在制品库存,不仅造成了大量的流动资金占用,也浪费了车间生产场地。